Lumedyne builds the highest quality portable flash system in the world. No other brand of portable flash offers as much versatility or will even claim to perform to our guaranteed standards. These units are basically hand built in our 7,000 square foot factory and shipped to Authorized Dealers around the world.
Since the equipment is frequently used on site, extra attention is paid to the design strength. But even with careful use an accident or malfunction can not be excluded. Therefore Lumedyne, and especially the owner DJ la Dez, approached Camtech with the reques tto provide after-sales service for its equipment for all of Europe. We have a large stock of spare parts and of course the proper documentation to repair your valuable professional equipment Within the warranty period your equipment will be repaired free of charge, unless the defect is due to external factors such as improper use, water, sand or impact.
Outside the warranty repaircost will be a total of parts, labour and taxes. Of course you can get a price-quote in advance. When you do not agree with the quotation, the unit will be re-assembled and returned. . In this case you will pay a slight investigation fee.
For more information about the repairprocedure, please click the button below